




DailyStatus is designed for fast-moving, remote teams that need seamless, automated progress updates. By integrating with Slack and GitHub, it gathers your activity and turns it into clear, concise status updates. You can schedule updates at regular intervals or request them manually, ensuring your team stays informed without disrupting your workflow. With support for multiple languages and upcoming integrations with Linear, Jira, and more, DailyStatus is the ideal tool for keeping teams connected. Your data remains secure, with all activities encrypted and raw data discarded after status generation.

Hand picked by experts

Hand picked by experts

Hand picked by experts

We picked DailyStatus because it simplifies communication for remote teams, removing the hassle of manually updating progress reports. Whether you’re a software engineer, product manager, or designer, this tool ensures your team is always aligned, without extra effort on your part.

Key Features

Key Features

  • Automated Status Updates: Pulls data from Slack and GitHub to automatically generate your status updates.

  • Integrations: Connects with Slack and GitHub, with future integrations like Linear and Jira on the way.

  • Scheduling & Manual Requests: Schedule updates or request them manually as needed.

  • Multilingual Support: Create updates in any language you prefer.

  • Data Privacy & Security: Your activity data is encrypted and raw data is discarded after use.



  • Save Time: No need to manually create status updates - DailyStatus does it for you.

  • Keep Teams Aligned: Ensure everyone stays informed on progress without constant check-ins.

  • Easy Integration: Connects seamlessly with the tools you already use like Slack and GitHub.

  • Multilingual Flexibility: Generate updates in any language, perfect for global teams.

  • Secure & Private: Your data is protected with top-level encryption and strict retention policies.

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